Applying for Disability for Diabetes

Applying for Disability for Diabetes

Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes Type I or Type II? Do you suffer from debilitating side effects? You may qualify for SSDI. However, applying for disability for diabetes can be confusing. Contact DSS today for a consultation.

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Who benefits from SSI?

Who benefits from SSI?

Who benefits from SSI? And can you qualify for multiple forms of assistance in addition to it? Here are some FAQ’s regarding SSI. These are concerns we hear from a lot of our Clients at Disability Support Services. Contact us today for a consultation. We are here to help!

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SSI History in Review

SSI History in Review

America’s Great Depression sparked the implementation of the program that we refer to today as Social Security Insurance (SSI). The SSI History in review begins in 1935, when the U.S. passed the Social Security Act. Since that time, there have been many changes, as the country has sought a way to be socially responsible. If you have questions about your SSI, or SSDI eligibility, contact Disability Support Services today for a consultation.

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Making Ends Meet Waiting for SSDI

Making Ends Meet Waiting for SSDI

Waiting for the decision on your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application is a time- consuming process. Two years or more without a steady, substantial income has the potential for financial devastation. Making ends meet waiting for SSDI can be a challenging. Here are some tips how to manage money while waiting for SS benefits.

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The Importance of SSDI

The Importance of SSDI

At this point, approximately 150 million Americans are protected in the event of a severe disability. The importance of SSDI seems to grow more each year. Have you suffered a life changing injury and are facing disability? The dedicated DSS team is here to ensure you are awarded the benefits you deserve.

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Social Security Disability Benefits and Cancer

Social Security Disability Benefits and Cancer

Social Security Disability Benefits and Cancer Living life with cancer is difficult, to say the least. The physical and emotional stresses of the disease, as well as the treatment side effects, may make it impossible to work while fighting the disease. It feels disabling to receive a

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How Can Social Media Affect My Disability Claim?

How Can Social Media Affect My Disability Claim?

How Can Social Media Affect My Disability Claim? It seems like everyone these days is on social media sharing details about their lives. The rise of sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have allowed us to post personal information. Information that we may not realize could be

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