Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

If you see more people wearing blue this month, it might be because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. To help promote awareness, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is launching its #DontAssume campaign. At DSS, we want to highlight what you need to know and how a diagnosis could affect your ability to work. People diagnosed with colorectal cancer may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits if they cannot work due to the disease. Here is what you need to know.

What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer affects your colon, which is in the lower end of your digestive system. More than 135,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year. It does not discriminate based on if you are a woman or a male, both are equally affected.  However, you are more likely to be at risk over the age of 50. Nearly 90% of all new diagnosis are in individuals over 50 years old. Though, on average, your risk is about 1 in 23. Some of the common symptoms include:

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month feature

  • Change in bowel habits
  • Frequent pain or abdominal discomfort
  • Bleeding (in your stool)
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Unintended weight loss

Although, more than half of all people diagnosed have no symptoms. At first, colorectal cancer appears as polyps in the intestinal lining. Fortunately, these growths can often be detected and even removed during screening tests. Like most cancers, early detection is key.

Can You Get SSDI Benefits?

If you have been diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer, and you are unable to work due to treatment or side effects, you may be eligible for benefits. In order to receive benefits, you must meet certain requirements. Factors that may affect your eligibility include your education, employment history, job training, and financial situation. In order to apply, you also have to provide medical records from your doctor. For example:

  • Colorectal screening reports
  • Biopsy results
  • Surgical notes
  • Detailed treatment history
  • Drug information

Overall, the process can be long and confusing, especially when your focus should be on your health. For that reason, many patients turn to Disability Support Services (DSS) in Baltimore, Maryland. We can help you navigate the application process to get you the benefits you deserve. Additionally, we’ll help you appeal the SSA’s decision if needed. If you can’t work due to a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for disability income. Contact DSS for assistance. Call us at (410) 244-0006, or submit your information through our online form.