What is the Social Security Disability 5-Year Rule?

What is the Social Security Disability 5-Year Rule?

The Social Security Disability 5-Year Rule, also known as the “Duration of Work” rule, is an essential eligibility requirement for individuals seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits in the United States. This rule determines whether an applicant has worked long enough and recently enough to qualify for SSDI benefits.

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When Do Social Security Disability Benefits Stop?

When Do Social Security Disability Benefits Stop?

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits stop when you become ineligible to receive them. But the Social Security Administration (SSA) has many standards for eligibility. If you become ineligible under any of these standards, your SSD benefits will end. Here is some information about the rules the SSA uses to determine when Social Security Disability benefits stop.

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What Are Functional Limitations & How Do They Affect Disability Benefits?

What Are Functional Limitations & How Do They Affect Disability Benefits?

As you work through the process of securing your Social Security disability benefits, you might run across the term “functional limitations.” Evidence of a physical, mental, or environmental limitation could help you secure benefits or win an appeal. Here is some information about what constitutes a limitation and how the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses evidence of these conditions.

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Disability Benefits for Mental Disorders: Am I Eligible?

Disability Benefits for Mental Disorders: Am I Eligible?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides disability benefits for many different mental disorders. These disorders include congenital disorders, conditions resulting from physical or mental trauma, and degenerative disorders. Regardless of your specific disorder, the SSA determines eligibility for benefits based on the duration and severity of your symptoms. If your disorder renders you unable to work for at least one year, the SSA will probably find you to be eligible for disability benefits. Here is a quick guide to disability benefits for mental disorders and an overview of how the SSA determines eligibility.

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Two Misconceptions About Social Security Benefits

Two Misconceptions About Social Security Benefits

The Social Security Act of 1935 established a mechanism for providing annuity payments to retired workers 65 and older. This Act laid the foundation for the modern Social Security system. The original program supplemented a retiree’s existing nest egg by providing small benefits. Its intent was never to subsidize most of a person’s post-work life. Through the years programs have been added that assist low income and disabled individuals. Disabled individuals’ spouses and children and even the surviving relatives of deceased individuals can receive benefits. Add to that a sharp increase in benefit amounts, and Social Security has become the country’s largest social program. Proponents of the disability programs laud their contribution to the country’s well-being. Its critics, however, argue against both its perceived overpayments to the undeserving and its inconsistent claims approval process.

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Before Applying for Disability Benefits, You Need to Consider This

Before Applying for Disability Benefits, You Need to Consider This

Well, to be honest, there isn’t just one thing you need to consider. However, there are ones that are a bit more important. If you are wondering if you qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you have come to the right place. Every year millions of Americans like you apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Yet, only a fraction of those applications are approved.  Here are some things to consider before applying for disability benefits.

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Is Your Workspace Designed For Inclusivity?

Is Your Workspace Designed For Inclusivity?

It is our belief that inclusivity is important in the workplace. As many companies are learning that many jobs can indeed be remote, companies can also be inclusive. If you are a company or employee looking for better ways to foster an inclusive work environment, we hope this will help get you started.

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Should I File for Unemployment or Social Security Disability?

Should I File for Unemployment or Social Security Disability?

We want to address these questions because there are very big differences between unemployment and social security disability. And with the recent rise in unemployment, we feel it’s important to understand why these are very different programs. However, it really comes down to your financial situation and health. Learn more about if you should be filing for unemployment or social security disability below.

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SSA 5-Step Evaluation [INFOGRAPHIC]

SSA 5-Step Evaluation [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our goal at DSS is to make the disability benefits claim process easier on you. Many times people are unsure if they qualify or if they should submit a claim. Check out our easy to read SSA 5-Step Evaluation infographic to help you learn more about the evaluation process.

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