The Role of a Disability Representative: How We Help You Win Your Case

The Role of a Disability Representative: How We Help You Win Your Case

Navigating the complex world of disability benefits can be overwhelming, especially when you’re dealing with health challenges. The complexities involved in understanding eligibility criteria, the application process, and the various types of disability benefits available can often seem like an insurmountable task. Having access to clear and reliable information, as well as expert guidance, can make a world of difference. The role of a disability representative is to support and assist individuals in winning their disability cases.

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Appealing a Denied Disability Claim – Your Second Chance at Benefits

Appealing a Denied Disability Claim – Your Second Chance at Benefits

Disability Support Services (DSS) of Maryland knows that facing a denied disability claim can be incredibly disheartening. You may have relied on those benefits to support yourself and your family during a challenging time. The good news is that you can appeal the decision and potentially secure the benefits you deserve. In this blog, DSS is going to walk you through the process of appealing a denied disability claim, providing you with the knowledge and confidence you need to give it your best shot.

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When Do Social Security Disability Benefits Stop?

When Do Social Security Disability Benefits Stop?

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits stop when you become ineligible to receive them. But the Social Security Administration (SSA) has many standards for eligibility. If you become ineligible under any of these standards, your SSD benefits will end. Here is some information about the rules the SSA uses to determine when Social Security Disability benefits stop.

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When is the Best Time to Apply for Social Security Disability or SSI?

When is the Best Time to Apply for Social Security Disability or SSI?

Social security disability insurance (SSDI) and supplemental security income (SSI) are federal programs designed to provide financial support for persons with disabilities. When you apply for Social Security disability, it’s crucial to complete the paperwork correctly. You also need to provide supporting documents for your claim to be approved. The timing of your SSDI/SSI application is also important. This guide provides the facts to help you through your application process.

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What is a Technical Denial in a Disability Case?

What is a Technical Denial in a Disability Case?

There are many reasons why applicants may be denied Social Security disability benefits. The majority of denials are for a medical reason. This could be that there wasn’t enough medical evidence or the Social Security Administration (SSA) didn’t first the medical conditions prevented being able to work. However, many applicants get a technical denial instead. This means it isn’t medical related. Actually, if you get a technical denial it means you were found ineligible for benefits for non-medical reasons. SSA has reported that nearly 50% of SSDI and 25% of SSI applicants receive technical denials.

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