Mental Illness and Disability Benefits: Understanding Your Rights and Options

Mental Illness and Disability Benefits: Understanding Your Rights and Options

Living with a mental illness can significantly impact a person’s life, making it challenging to maintain employment and carry out daily activities. Recognizing these difficulties, the United States provides disability benefits to individuals with mental health conditions. Disability Support Services (DSS) of Maryland aims to provide an overview of disability benefits for mental illness, including the types of benefits available, eligibility criteria, and the application process. Understanding your rights and options can help you access the support you need to navigate your mental health journey.

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Disability Benefits for Mental Disorders: Am I Eligible?

Disability Benefits for Mental Disorders: Am I Eligible?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides disability benefits for many different mental disorders. These disorders include congenital disorders, conditions resulting from physical or mental trauma, and degenerative disorders. Regardless of your specific disorder, the SSA determines eligibility for benefits based on the duration and severity of your symptoms. If your disorder renders you unable to work for at least one year, the SSA will probably find you to be eligible for disability benefits. Here is a quick guide to disability benefits for mental disorders and an overview of how the SSA determines eligibility.

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What Medical Conditions Apply to Disability Benefits?

What Medical Conditions Apply to Disability Benefits?

The Social Security Administration provides disability benefits for medical conditions that may affect an individual’s ability to work. The requirements for such benefits are dependent on the medical diagnosis, as well as the severity of the condition. It is essential to understand which medical conditions apply to disability benefits, so you can determine if you qualify for assistance. Below are some of the disabling conditions that are recognized by the SSA.

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Is Depression a Disability?

Is Depression a Disability?

When you think of disability, you probably think of physical impairments that you can see on the outside. There are some disabilities that are not able to be seen with the naked eye. One of those is depression. The SSI or SSDI benefits that you may be pursuing do recognize depression as a disability and for some can result in getting the benefits that they need to move forward

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