How to Handle the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the two programs that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has for individuals that have become disabled and cannot work before reaching retirement. With both programs, a monthly payment is provided to the individual. The payment amount is based on several factors. You must file an application in order to receive Social Security disability benefits. The initial application has a high denial rate. If this is the case for you, an appeal called Reconsideration can be filed.

Filing for Reconsideration within the Social Security Administration

social security disability reconsideration

Once you have a denied initial claim, you have sixty (60) days, from the date of the notice, to file an appeal. For many people, a mistake is made during the reconsideration process by filing a new claim. This starts the whole process over from the beginning. The proper step is to file a request for social security disability reconsideration on an existing claim. If you were to fill out a new application, it could change your onset date and it could affect the back pay amount.

The reconsideration application will be sent for review to the same office that processed your initial claim, but a new individual will review it. Individuals who are filing for reconsideration should note that the new examiner will use the same rules during the second review. Therefore, you may be denied during this review.

Helping with the Reconsideration Process

To help prevent a second denial it is important to provide SSA with any new information. This includes information in regards to your condition that they did not have for the initial application. This includes visits to the doctor, hospitalizations, changes in medications, new side effects you may be experiencing, and work you may have tried and failed due to your condition.

You want to provide all the information needed to help assist your claim. Take a look at your initial application. Did you leave out any information that may help your case? By submitting missing or additional details, you stand a better chance of being approved during the reconsideration appeal.

Once you receive a denial for the initial claim act as quickly as possible. To lessen your burden with a Social Security Disability reconsideration appeal, contact Disability Support Services today. We are here to assist you in learning more about the reconsideration process and filing your appeal.