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Ways to Determine if You Are Capable of Working 

Ways to Determine if You Are Capable of Working 

Applicants may be adamant that they cannot work but for specific reasons, the Social Security Administration may feel differently. So, the question is: what are the criteria that SSA officers use to determine whether a person should receive benefits? The information below will help you to understand and identify the factors the SSA uses to determine if an applicant is able to work, or if they can be a recipient of the disability benefits.

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Social Security Benefits and Autism

Social Security Benefits and Autism

In the Autism Spectrum, there are three disorder types. These disorders include Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD-NOS) and Asperger Syndrome (AS). Each condition is present at birth but it is not unusual for individuals with Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder to not be diagnosed until the teen years or adult age. When an individual has been diagnosed, social security disability benefits can be claimed. However, most caregivers are unsure how to file or what to do to earn benefits. Read on to see what you can do to file for disability when your child or loved one has been diagnosed with a form of autism.

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What Are Auxiliary Benefits?

What Are Auxiliary Benefits?

There is a lot of information to take in when you are applying for your social security benefits. If you are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), then you and your family members may qualify for auxiliary benefits. There are some cases that allow the disabled applicants family to receive benefits as well. These are considered auxiliary benefits because the family member is only receiving the benefits because the disabled family member was awarded their benefits.

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How to Handle the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

How to Handle the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

Social Security disability is an option for individuals that have become disabled before reaching the age of retirement and are unable to continue working. This option is often referred to as workers disability and will see a monthly payment provided to the individual based on a number of factors. To be able to receive social security disability, you must file a claim. In some cases, the claim is denied. If this is the case, you can file for social security disability reconsideration. Below is a simple guide on how to do so if you find that your original claim is denied.

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Trial Work Period – What is it?

Trial Work Period – What is it?

Are you currently on disability but want to attempt to reenter the workforce? If so, you will need to learn about the trial work period. The term ‘trial work period’ refers to a grace period of nine months. This is provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for any individual who receives disability benefits and wants to go back to work. The individual has a nine-month time frame to conduct the trial work period, each period lasting 60 months.

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Multiple Sclerosis and Disability Benefits

Multiple Sclerosis and Disability Benefits

More than 400,000 individuals living in the United States suffer from the debilitating disease known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is an autoimmune disease that affects your central nervous system. It causes problems with nerve impulses and the brain being able to communicate with the body. This can cause great impact the ability to complete everyday tasks, including working. This, in turn, leads to the need for assistance such as with disability benefits.

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What is Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)?

What is Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)?

The EPE applies if you are receiving disability benefits and have gone back to work after the trial work period. Only to now find yourself not able to work yet again due to your disability. EPE consists of a time frame of 36-months in which you may see SSDI benefits stop and restart. It does not require a new determination of disability by the Social Security Administration to restart your benefits. EPE does not apply to recipients of the SSI program.

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Sleep Apnea and Disability Claims

Sleep Apnea and Disability Claims

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? has it affected your health in other ways? Has that affected your ability to perform your work safely and effectively? Contact Disability Support Services about your sleep apnea and disability claims. We can help you sort throught the process.

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